



Jenny Goguen has been a long standing member of the CFR community and we’d love to recognize her this month as the spotlight athlete! Jenny is one of the most kind-hearted (and colorful!) people we have ever met and we absolutely love her friendly, fun vibes she brings to class. Jenny always comes in with a good attitude, colorful shoes and a contagious laugh! She listens to coach’s cues and advice; and we’ve seen her progress and get stronger over the years. We are extremely proud to have her as a friend and member at CrossFit Rolesville!

Age: 42

Occupation: Professional Volunteer (main “job” is Cubmaster of Cub Scout Pack 500 + various other roles); also substitute teach at Rolesville Charter Academy

Proudest accomplishment at CrossFit Rolesville? Being able to jump on an actual box. Anyone who has worked out with me on a box jumping day, knows I have a ridiculous phobia of jumping on things. The first time I was able to jump on that tiny 12” box was huge. I’m still only able to jump at that height, but one of my goals this year is to get to at least 16”.

How did you find CFR? Why do you train?I was the Membership Director at Granite Falls and when I left that job, I knew I needed to find somewhere else to work out. I’m fairly competitive and was never good about doing weights on my own or even in an normal “fitness” class, so I told my husband, Josh, that I was ready to try out CFR. He had done Crossfit when we lived in another city and I remember him saying how the workouts were only like 15min. I figured, “that sounds easy- let me try that!” Little did I know The great part was that Josh decided to check it out with me to make sure the trainers werent wacko and he ended up liking them so much, he joined too, followed by his brother, SIL, and my best friend, Susan.

Some days I train because I know Susan and Josh will fuss at me for not going. Some days I train because I really enjoy those particular workouts. Some days I train because I want to get better- stronger- faster… those are the best days.

What is your favorite moment so far at CFR? I don’t have a definitive moment in mind- I just really enjoy the chatter during the 9am class warmup. I love hearing everyone giving each other a hard time, going on tangents about soup or Thomas’ socks. It’s just fun and a great way to start the day.

What is your daily motivation to workout? I have struggled with my weight almost my whole life- if it wasn’t for working out, I would be well over what I am now. The past 6 months have been tough and I’m now having to fix the problems I’ve created for myself. So, I remember that when I don’t feel like getting up or doing anything. When I look in my closet and I can’t wear 90% of what’s hanging up or I’m on the verge of hulking out of my Cub Scout leader shirt. As I’m working through this though, I know I will also start to be motivated by other, non-weight-related aspects of working out- getting back to that better- stronger- faster stuff. Then, it will be way easier to get out of bed- literally. 🙂

Favorite and least favorite movements? Favorite movements are Deadlifts (but not Samurai (aka Sumo) ones- no bueno on those), Running!, and anything with the Wreck Bag. I’m really not good at anything else LOL… but if you need the ones I’m least favorable towards, that would be pullups, T2B, and almost every lift where the bar has to go over my head. 

What’s one thing you would tell a new CrossFitter? Don’t compare yourself to the fastest guy or gal- especially in the beginning. Find that name on the board that seems to match your current abilities and play alongside them. I love having “secret competitions”- I’ve raced against so many people during 5Ks to Full Marathons (and won like almost every single time, of course), but the best part was that almost none of them knew we were even competing. LOL

One song that gets you amped up during a WOD? It changes all the time, but the one song I begged Thomas to tell me the name of when it came on a few years ago was “High Hopes” by Panic! at the Disco. I still love that song and it’s actually pretty motivating. It’s also a lot of fun to play on Beat Saber.

Tell us something about yourself that we don’t already know. Hmmmm… most people won’t know this outside of the 8/9am classes, but I was a dancer/participant in Richard Simmon’s “Sweatin’ to the Oldies 5” and was also on QVC with him twice to help promote his Sweatin’ to the Oldies box set back in 2009. Definitely a fun little time in my life.


This month we’d like to spotlight Caroline Miles! Caroline has been a member of CrossFit Rolesville for over 2 years now and we absolutely adore her. She always comes to class with a smile on her face and makes everyone feel welcome. She is extremely speedy! Any endurance workout she crushes. Caroline also takes coaches cues well and her weightlifting movements have seen great improvement. We love having Caroline (and Luke, her husband!) apart of our CFR family and are proud to call her an athlete and friend!
Age: 34
Occupation: 6th Grade Language Arts and Social Studies Teacher

Proudest accomplishment at CrossFit Rolesville?

My proudest accomplishment at CFR so far has been getting kipping pull-ups. When I first started and watched people do pull-ups it seemed like a skill that I would never be able to obtain. Kipping pull-ups really felt like my first real “crossfit type” skill that I learned to do at CFR.

How did you find CFR? Why do you train?

I have been a CFR member for two years now. My husband, Luke, has been a member for three years. So I knew of CFR because of Luke. Luke had been begging me to try CFR for the entire first year he was a member. I was very nervous to even try it so I kept telling him no. For his birthday, he told me that all he wanted was for me to come to a Saturday class and complete a partner WOD with him. I could not say no to the birthday boy so I went with him, and I have been hooked ever since. I train because it helps me feel mentally and physically strong.

What is your favorite moment so far at CFR?

This is such a hard question. There are so many moments that I have participated in and/or witnessed at CFR that I have loved. I do really enjoy any event or WOD that brings all of our members together. Since I am a year round teacher I do get to go to different classes during the year, which has allowed me to build relationships with people who go to only morning classes or people who go to only afternoon/evening classes. Big gym events or WODs where everyone workouts together feels like a reunion for me. It is so fun to see your people at one time enjoying each other. 

However, if I had to narrow it down to just one moment it would be when I competed with Emily in our in-house competition. It was my first competition ever and it was so awesome to be her partner!

What is your daily motivation to workout?

My daily motivation to workout is to be healthy for my family. Working out makes me a better person. I also really have enjoyed being able to bring my kids to the gym so that they can see how important staying active is to leading a healthy life. My girls love coming to the gym. They feel a part of the CFR family and that is one of my most favorite things about our community. 

Favorite and least favorite movements?

My favorite weightlifting movement is a power clean.  My least favorite movement is overhead squats. I really do not like them. It takes a lot of self-control to not skip the gym on the days they are programmed. 

What’s one thing you would tell a new CrossFitter?

Just try it! I was super nervous to try CrossFit….it literally took me an entire year to agree to just do one class. Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses, but the best part is that no one is perfect and everyone at CFR really just wants you to be your most healthy self.

I would also tell them that everything can be scaled. I love a good scaled WOD!

One song that gets you amped up during a WOD?

Anything from the early 2000s. It takes me right back to my high school days! 

Tell us something about yourself that we don’t already know.

I am really terrified of birds and ticks. Birds just seem untrustworthy and ticks are just gross.


This month we’d like to highlight Stefanie Troop as our August Spotlight athlete! Stefanie and her husband Tom have
been members of our CFR community for several years now and we’ve had the privilege to watch Stefanie grow as an athlete. She is extremely consistent and hard working. Stefanie listens to her coaches and her body to make sure she is always working out safely and with good form. She’s incredibly friendly, thoughtful, and fun to have in any class! We are proud to have Stefanie as a friend and apart of our CFR community!

Age: 40  

Occupation:  Training Specialist for Advance Auto Parts

Proudest accomplishment at CrossFit Rolesville?  

When I did my first pull up and handstand push up.

How did you find CFR? Why do you train?  

Tom joined first after we moved to Rolesville and after seeing how much he enjoyed it, I decided to give it a shot.  I train to be healthy, strong, and its fun.

What is your favorite moment so far at CFR?  

When we won the Tacky Christmas Sweater party!

What is your daily motivation to workout? 

To stay healthy and strong for my girls and its a great stress release.

Favorite and least favorite movements? 

Love any kind of shoulder press and T2Bs. Will not hesitate to skip class if there are overhead squats.

What’s one thing you would tell a new CrossFitter?

Stick with it, progress does not happen overnight.  Not only do you start to live a healthier lifestyle but the friends you make and the community you become part of at CFR is not one you would find working out at normal gyms or on your own. These relationships keep you coming back and keep you continuously pushing yourself.  

One song that gets you amped up during a WOD?  

Just about anything 90s hip hop.  #teammegansplaylist

Tell us something about yourself that we don’t already know.  

It Stefanie with an F.

Is Boutique Fitness Right for Me?

If you’re ready for results it’s time to ditch the health club…

There was a time when we got all the exercise we require from our daily activities. But as hunting and gathering lead to farming and eventually the industrialized world we live in today the need for human “labor” has been nearly eradicated. Now that we work desk jobs, eat our meals from the hot bar at Whole Foods, and enjoy a generally sedentary lifestyle we are required to reintroduce this missing physical activity. For some reason, the question of how to add physical activity, or work, back into our lives is one that has proven to be puzzling, controversial, and difficult terrain to navigate.


In response to the demands of the market the fitness industry has grown tremendously, particularly in North America where an estimated $28 billion was spent in 2015. Much of this industry is dominated by health clubs and large gym franchises that offer a sampling of strength equipment, cardio machines, TV’s, massage chairs and minimal staffing. Granted  how many staff members do you need when your members don’t actually attend the club? In a study done by students at UC Berkeley found 67% of gym memberships are never used in the population they surveyed.


“If you are not going to the gym, you are actually the gym’s best customer.” -Stacey Vanek Smith, NPR


The savvy marketers at big box gyms know how to target their marketing towards individuals who won’t actually come to the facility. As humans we often get a rush of excitement by a new fitness undertaking. “This is it, the time I actually change, no looking back,” you say. The challenge is that the health club has made zero commitment to you. They don’t care if you show up or not. Luckily there is someone out there who does.


Boutique fitness is the alternative to the traditional health club model. Boutique gyms offer specialized classes based on the expertise of the owners, teachers, or coaches. CrossFit boxes, Barre studios, Bikram yoga, parkour facilities, spin classes  are all great examples of the boutique fitness model.


These communities succeed when the all parts are working together; the owner, staff, and clientele all succeed when they each meet their goals. This synergistic effect leads to faster results and more satisfaction from all parties. As a client you have a team of coaches and fellow members who are all rooting for you, teaching you, and most importantly holding you accountable. Becoming fit doesn’t have to be a chore, a challenge, or a pain point. In fact, it can even be fun 😉


Boutique gyms have been seen rapid growth in the past decade as clients recognize that when it comes to fitness, not all gyms are created equal. Some of the most common excuses sound like:

  • “I have a hard time sticking to a routine”
  • “I’m just too busy to exercise”
  • “I get bored with going to the gym, it always feels like work”
  • “I don’t know how to lift weights/choose a routine/eat the right food”


These are great excuses, but since you’re ready to make a change it’s time to ditch the excuses and focus on RESULTS. By implementing a system that counters your excuses you’ll be left with the only option, the results that you want to achieve.


If you struggle with sticking to a routine you will benefit from the coaches, friends, and community members that you’ll meet at each class. A group of people that will ask you about your day, learn about your goals and life, and most importantly encourage you to show up consistently to your workouts.


If you claim to be too busy then you should sign up for classes ahead of time. The wide variety of classes that are available each day at time frames that are consistent with your schedule make it easy to squeeze in an hour long workout.


If boredom is your challenge then a workout that changes every day is exactly what you need. Not only that but the different coaching styles and friends you’ll make at different times of the day make each class a totally unique experience.


If information is the enemy then relax, because that’s already been taken care of for you. Your coach has put a lot of thought into a training program that will improve your fitness and will be by your side to instruct you on form, breathing, and what weights to use. Keep an eye out for group nutrition challenges to boot!


To get the results you want sometimes you need to try a new approach. If that trip to the gym feels more daunting than Frodo walking the ring to Mordor then it’s time to see what a boutique gym has in store for you!

The Power of Choice

Most of us have an area in our life we wish we were performing better in. That part of us that doesn’t quite fit into our own skin. It could be a touchy subject that our spouse and friends know to steer clear of, the elephant in the room. It could be the promotion you still haven’t received, the credit card you haven’t paid off, or the weight you were supposed to lose by the beginning of  summer… in 2012.


And because you’re wearing this very uncomfortable skin that’s not quite your size I am happy to tell you that you are exactly where you chose to be today.


I can already hear the objections rising up so let me explain why.


You see I totally understand your story. I understand because it’s yours, mine, and everyone else’s. Sometimes having a new baby, a busy time at work, or the worst timing for a medical emergency/broken down car/economic depression can happen. There are a million and one events in life that can derail us. They are not always fair and can seem impossible to overcome when they show up knocking at our door.


“Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths.”

-Arnold Schwarzenegger


At that point we do an admirable thing. We give up on our dream. We set it aside to go fix the problem. We change our identity and become the superhero who knows exactly how to work overtime and take care of a sick parent. We do it because we want to make sure the story has a happy ending. We do it out of love.


And life goes on.


And sometimes the situation gets better. And sometimes it doesn’t. Either way, the situation that called for a superhero 6 months ago no longer needs a hero to save it. But there you stand in cape and tights committed to action. Except now it’s time to go home. Time to write a new story.


Where you stand today is a result of many choices. Some of your hero moments were the big decisions that shaped your trajectory. Like I said, I’m proud of you for doing that. But now it’s time to get back on the path. Your path. The one you stopped telling yourself that you wanted because it hurt too bad to think that it may never come true.


You might think it’s too late (it’s not).


You might want to try, but feel that you strayed too far (you haven’t).


You have to remember you have the power of choice. And it’s a good thing that you do. It gives you the power to turn your greatest adversity into your greatest strength. You always have the option to shy away or to stand and fight.


It’s time for a new story. You’re the hero and you’re at the turning point in the movie of your life. So what are you going to do next?You’ve endured hardship, learned tough lessons, and fallen time and time again. Wouldn’t this be a great time for everything to turn around?


Maybe you can recruit someone to help you get there, a long lost friend or a wise old mentor. Maybe you need to crank up “Eye of the Tiger” and experience the training it will take to achieve your success.


The time to act is now. Don’t slip back into your old story. You are the hero. The power of choice brought you here. Your choice decides what happens next.


So what are you going to do?


[GYM OWNER:] Add a call to action here, like: “Schedule your Free Consult here” with a link.

5 Reasons to get STRONG

Fitness trends come and go and most fall to the wayside for good reason.

Most programs fail to produce consistent results. It’s a wonder why so many folks stray away from what is tried and true when it comes to exercise programs?

“The rule is: the basics are the basic, and you can’t beat the basics.” -Charles Poliquin

Despite what your goals may be, every individual can benefit from physical resistance training. Not only that, but the health benefits extend far beyond your short term fitness goals. Regardless of why you train, let’s take a look at some of the reasons you should incorporate strength training into your fitness regimen.

1. Training for strength produces results.

Whatever your goals, muscle will help you get there. Some companies in the fitness industry has made a fortune around buzzwords like “tone”, “lift”, and “sculpt.” The problem is there’s no way to measure those loose terms. If you want to change your body composition there is only the ability to gain or lose muscle while simultaneously gaining or losing fat. If you are looking for the most efficient way to do make a change then strength training is your best option.

Strength training, or physical resistance training, can be defined as a type of physical exercise specializing in the use of resistance to induce muscular contraction which builds the strength, anaerobic endurance, and size of skeletal muscles. When you gain muscle you increase your bodies basal metabolism (the amount of calories you burn each day before factoring in physical activity). It’s kind of like putting a bigger engine in a car. The car is capable of moving faster or pulling a heavier load (more muscle), but it also uses more fuel (fat) whether it’s cruising down the freeway or idling in the driveway. Strength training helps us “tone” through this muscle gain/fat loss trade.

2. “You can’t manage what you can’t measure.” -Peter Drucker

Training for strength provides a clear path for success. You can set training goals that are specific, measurable, and produce desired outcomes. A good coach will help you design a plan towards these goals with checkpoints along the way. Your strength training program is a road map to success with clear directions. Sets, reps, and weights lifted safely through the full range of motion are the signals that you’re on track. Many people find that a more detailed plan helps them stay motivated as they experience progress.

3. Age gracefully with more muscle mass.

As we get older strength training is one of the most important things we can do for our health. Physical independence is a key factor in a great quality of life.

A comprehensive study of strength training has been proven to:

  • Improve motor function
  • Lower resting heart rate
  • Increase stamina
  • Prevent sarcopenia (age related muscle loss)
  • Improve bone mineral density
  • Prevent and help rehab injuries

Functional strength training will be an asset in daily life too. From picking up grandchildren or bags of groceries to climbing stairs with confidence.

4. You’ll experience epic brain gains.

Did you know that lifting weights can strengthen your brain just as much as it does your body?
Dr. Yorgi Mavros from the University of Sydney has found that high‐intensity physical resistance training (PRT) results in significant improvements in cognitive function, muscle strength, and aerobic capacity in older adults with mild cognitive impairment. Adults who followed a resistance training routine in addition to cognitive training performed significantly better than control groups on a series of mental tests. A couple key factors to note:

The participants exercised 2x/ week working to at least 80% of their peak strength.
The benefits lasted one year after the exercise prescription had ended.

What does that mean? According to Yorgi, “The stronger people became, the greater the benefit for their brain.” Let that sink in for a minute. You actually grow your brain by training to become stronger! It makes me wonder if Einstein developed his Theory of Relativity in between heavy sets of back squats…

5. Strong moms have healthy babies.

During pregnancy, the question always arises of what does fitness look like for this stage of life? With so much on the line, it’s important to consult with a doctor before beginning any fitness routine. Luckily, there is a tremendous amount to be gained by incorporating a strength training routine under normal circumstances. Resistance training can help alleviate symptoms and improve health outcomes for the mother and child. According to the Mayo Clinic, women who follow a consistent strength training routine during pregnancy can experience:

  • Reduce backaches, constipation, bloating and swelling
  • Boosted mood and energy levels
  • Better sleep
  • Prevent excess weight gain
  • Maintain levels of muscle strength and endurance
  • Reduced incidence of gestational diabetes

Not only that but women who train during pregnancy report enhanced body image and better psychological well-being!

We would love to help you live a healthy strong life. Schedule a Free Consult to learn more.