This month we’d like to highlight Stefanie Troop as our August Spotlight athlete! Stefanie and her husband Tom have
been members of our CFR community for several years now and we’ve had the privilege to watch Stefanie grow as an athlete. She is extremely consistent and hard working. Stefanie listens to her coaches and her body to make sure she is always working out safely and with good form. She’s incredibly friendly, thoughtful, and fun to have in any class! We are proud to have Stefanie as a friend and apart of our CFR community!
Age: 40
Occupation: Training Specialist for Advance Auto Parts
Proudest accomplishment at CrossFit Rolesville?
When I did my first pull up and handstand push up.
How did you find CFR? Why do you train?
Tom joined first after we moved to Rolesville and after seeing how much he enjoyed it, I decided to give it a shot. I train to be healthy, strong, and its fun.
What is your favorite moment so far at CFR?
When we won the Tacky Christmas Sweater party!
What is your daily motivation to workout?
To stay healthy and strong for my girls and its a great stress release.
Favorite and least favorite movements?
Love any kind of shoulder press and T2Bs. Will not hesitate to skip class if there are overhead squats.
What’s one thing you would tell a new CrossFitter?
Stick with it, progress does not happen overnight. Not only do you start to live a healthier lifestyle but the friends you make and the community you become part of at CFR is not one you would find working out at normal gyms or on your own. These relationships keep you coming back and keep you continuously pushing yourself.
One song that gets you amped up during a WOD?
Just about anything 90s hip hop. #teammegansplaylist
Tell us something about yourself that we don’t already know.
It Stefanie with an F.