: Professional Volunteer (main “job” is Cubmaster of Cub Scout Pack 500 + various other roles); also substitute teach at Rolesville Charter Academy
Proudest accomplishment at CrossFit Rolesville?
Being able to jump on an actual box. Anyone who has worked out with me on a box jumping day, knows I have a ridiculous phobia of jumping on things. The first time I was able to jump on that tiny 12” box was huge. I’m still only able to jump at that height, but one of my goals this year is to get to at least 16”.
Some days I train because I know Susan and Josh will fuss at me for not going. Some days I train because I really enjoy those particular workouts. Some days I train because I want to get better- stronger- faster… those are the best days.
What is your daily motivation to workout?
I have struggled with my weight almost my whole life- if it wasn’t for working out, I would be well over what I am now. The past 6 months have been tough and I’m now having to fix the problems I’ve created for myself. So, I remember that when I don’t feel like getting up or doing anything. When I look in my closet and I can’t wear 90% of what’s hanging up or I’m on the verge of hulking out of my Cub Scout leader shirt. As I’m working through this though, I know I will also start to be motivated by other, non-weight-related aspects of working out- getting back to that better- stronger- faster stuff. Then, it will be way easier to get out of bed- literally.
What’s one thing you would tell a new CrossFitter?
Don’t compare yourself to the fastest guy or gal- especially in the beginning. Find that name on the board that seems to match your current abilities and play alongside them. I love having “secret competitions”- I’ve raced against so many people during 5Ks to Full Marathons (and won like almost every single time, of course), but the best part was that almost none of them knew we were even competing. LOL
One song that gets you amped up during a WOD?
It changes all the time, but the one song I begged Thomas to tell me the name of when it came on a few years ago was “High Hopes” by Panic! at the Disco. I still love that song and it’s actually pretty motivating. It’s also a lot of fun to play on Beat Saber.
Tell us something about yourself that we don’t already know.
Hmmmm… most people won’t know this outside of the 8/9am classes, but I was a dancer/participant in Richard Simmon’s “Sweatin’ to the Oldies 5” and was also on QVC with him twice to help promote his Sweatin’ to the Oldies box set back in 2009. Definitely a fun little time in my life.
The post SPOTLIGHT ATHLETE: Jenny Goguen appeared first on NCMVMT.
105 East Young Street, Rolesville, North Carolina 27571, United States